Attention: Ambitious sports & entertainment business owner

Build the Best Business

& AMPLIFY Your Reputation, Revenue & Profit

What's on offer here is so much more than a business growth plan. It's your quantum leap portal to "best in the world" success.

The 7-Point Summary of this Page

Who is this offer for?

Ambitious owners of sports & entertainment businesses with annual revenues between $500K and $2.5M. They want to make a dent in their industry, but feel like the business is stuck in 2nd gear.

What is it?

Your AMPLIFY Blueprint is a playbook for doubling your revenue and tripling profit within 12 months. It provides a comprehensive growth map with tailored strategies and plans under each of the A.M.P.L.I.F.Y pillars, to establish your business as the king of its category or niche.

How does it work?

You will receive Your Business Blueprint within 28 days of kick-off. There are 4 phases, including: 1. An online business analysis; 2. Market & Competitor Research; 3. A vision and purpose expansion session; and 4. The presentation of Your AMPLIFY Blueprint.

What's the total investment?

US$ 20,000

What's the special offer?

We’re filling our first quarter of 2024 well in advance, and offering a $2,500 concession to action-taking visionaries who secure their spot with a deposit before 30th December.
Book your 2024 space before the end of 2023, and only pay $17,500.

What else should you know?

This deeply transformative journey demands rethinking your role as a leader and is suited for those willing to step out of their comfort zone — it’s definitely NOT for those who are content with the status quo.

What are the next steps if you're interested?

Click the link to schedule a free discovery call, where we’ll explore how Your AMPLIFY Blueprint can facilitate your supercharged success.

Who is this offer for?

Ambitious owners of sports & entertainment businesses with annual revenues between $500K and $2.5M. They want to make a dent in their industry, but feel like the business is stuck in 2nd gear.

What is it?

Your AMPLIFY Blueprint is a playbook for doubling your revenue and tripling profit within 12 months. It provides a comprehensive growth map with tailored strategies and plans under each of the A.M.P.L.I.F.Y pillars, to establish your business as the king of its category or niche.

How does it work?

You will receive Your Business Blueprint within 28 days of kick-off. There are 4 phases, including: 1. An online business analysis; 2. Market & Competitor Research; 3. A vision and purpose expansion session; and 4. The presentation of Your AMPLIFY Blueprint.

What's the total investment?

US$ 20,000

What's the special offer?

We’re filling our first quarter of 2024 well in advance, and offering a $2,500 concession to action-taking visionaries who secure their spot with a deposit before 30th December.
Book your 2024 space before the end of 2023, and only pay $17,500.

What else should you know?

This deeply transformative journey demands rethinking your role as a leader and is suited for those willing to step out of their comfort zone — it’s definitely NOT for those who are content with the status quo.

What are the next steps if you're interested?

Click the link to schedule a free discovery call, where we’ll explore how Your AMPLIFY Blueprint can facilitate your supercharged success.

Click the Link Below to Book Your Discovery Call

This is for you if...

Still not sure if this applies to you?

You'll be most excited about this, if you own one of the following:

Want to become the Nike of your niche?

Clever advertising campaigns and viral social media posts aren’t enough.

Here are the 7 things you must do to claim the crown of your category.


Get your customers to spend the most


Ensure your customers stay for the longest


Secure the healthiest profit margins


 Build the best lead gen and sales systems


Develop the most defensible intellectual property


Attract and acquire the best people and systems


Establish the greatest market share

You might be thinking:
"That's easier said than done!"

Sports and entertainment is a tough scene.

The ground constantly shifts beneath your feet:

Audiences keep demanding something new.

Competitors are forever raising the bar.

Budgets keep shrinking.

It’s a never-ending sprint to keep up.

There’s a big gap between where you are and where you want to be.

To grab the top spot in your niche demands more than merely putting on a good show.

Your AMPLIFY Blueprint is a map to claiming the crown of your category.

Don't have the patience for long sales pages?

Otherwise, keep reading to discover how your sports and entertainment business can go from settling for silver to grabbing the gold.

The 7 Pillars of "Best in the World" Success

Think of Nike, Apple, FedEx, Uber and Disney.

It’s a common misconception that these “best in the world” brands are built with visually captivating logos and websites, viral social media posts, and ingenious advertising campaigns.

But that’s a very small part of their market domination.

The best brands and businesses are built on SEVEN pillars. A.M.P.L.I.F.Y is an acronym for these seven pillars.


Average order

-Customers spend the most.

Example: Starbucks

In a recent brand equity ranking, Starbucks ranked #5 while Dunkin’ was ranked #85. Starbucks has a higher average ticket price per customer, with an estimated $5.60 per customer visit compared to Dunkin’ Donuts’ $3.10


Maximized Lifetime Value

-Customers stay the longest.

Example: Apple

Apple is currently the most valuable brand in the world. Apple iPhone customers are valued anywhere between $700-$900 every two years. With 90% of Apple’s customers being fiercely loyal, that’s an average Lifetime Customer Value of $8,000 over 20 years – assuming customers get a new phone every two years.



-Margins are the healthiest.

Example: Louis Vuitton

Louis Vuitton has been the world’s most valuable luxury brand for 18 years. While Louis Vuitton’s profit margin of 40% might seem only slightly more than Gucci’s 35%, it’s a significant gap in luxury fashion, and highlights Louis Vuitton’s mastery in creating more value per product.


Lead Generation & Sales

-Ideal customers are attracted.

Example: Tesla

Tesla’s direct sales model, bypassing traditional dealerships, has been key to establishing it as the most valuable car brand in the world. This innovative approach resulted in over 435,000 vehicle deliveries in Q3 2023 and a staggering $81.462 billion revenue in 2022.


Intellectual Property

-Brands are the most dominant and defensible.

Example: LEGO

LEGO’s Disney-themed sets, particularly Star Wars, exemplify strategic IP utilization. This partnership created in-demand products and defended market position against competitors, while contributing to a 13% sales increase for LEGO in 2020.


Faculties and Facilities

-Employees are most skilled and processes are most effective

Example: Airbnb

Recognized as a top employer by Glassdoor in 2016 and 2017, Airbnb’s workplace culture has attracted and engaged top talent, enabling it to propel revenue to $2.484 billion in 2023, a 45.9% valuation increase. With a record 115.1 million stays in Q2 2022, Airbnb’s success underscores the significant impact of talent on business performance.


Yard Size

-Market share is most significant.

Example: Meta (Facebook)

Meta’s acquisitions of Instagram and WhatsApp dramatically expanded its market share, adding billions of users. This growth enhances Meta’s advertising reach and data collection capabilities, further solidifying its position as a leader in social media and digital communication.

The A.M.P.L.I.F.Y Method can take your business from underdog to undisputed champion of your category,

This compound growth system enables any sports and entertainment business to double its revenue and triple its profit within 12 months, and ultimately dominate its niche — even its entire industry.

Within the seven pillars of The A.M.P.L.I.F.Y Method are 45 strategies that the world’s most prominent brands have used to establish themselves as category kings – and within each strategy lies a vast universe of tactics that can be tailored to YOUR business.

Sales pages like these usually take a long time to get to the offer

They spend a lot of time on the build-up — explaining the problem in great detail; inflating the credentials of the consultant; and concocting elaborate backstories about how the service came about. 

I figured you’re probably busy, so I’m jumping straight to the offer.

But if you want that extra information, I’ve stuck it at the bottom of the page.


Ready to catapult your business to the top of the leaderboard?


Your AMPLIFY Blueprint

This is your quantum leap portal to "best in the world" success.

Your AMPLIFY Blueprint will sharpen your vision,
supercharge your mission and elevate your game plan.

It delivers a reenergized brand positioning that will inspire your teams, and deeply resonate with fans and followers, customers, sponsors and partners.

Within each of the seven A.M.P.L.I.F.Y pillars, Your AMPLIFY Blueprint provides measurable targets along with the strategies and detailed plans by which to achieve them.

This is your red carpet straight into the winner's circle.

Here's just some of what you'll get in Your AMPLIFY Blueprint:

A clear market dominating position so you can stand out in your market and effortlessly command higher prices. You’ll also get in-depth proposals for additional products & services to be bundled, upsold and cross-sold, so you can be sure your customers are spending the most.

Clear and specific action plans for driving repeat purchases and extending customer loyalty. This includes dynamic recurring revenue models and smart re-engagement tactics, to ensure your customers buy more often and stay with you for longer.

A detailed guide to streamlined operations and cost-cutting that doesn’t damage your brand or diminish the customer experience. This includes savvy insourcing and outsourcing methods that boost your bottom line.

Step by step plans for implementing digital marketing campaigns that draw crowds, referral systems that spread your fame, and sales processes that attract and retain the perfect (and most profitable) customers.

Meticulous plans for developing stand-out signature systems, obtaining trademarks and locking down licensing deals that make your brand most dominant and defensible.

Practical plays for bringing in top-tier talent, supercharging team performance, and optimizing systems & processes, so you have an all-star team delivering the best results.

A curated list of specific businesses that will serve you in commanding your market, either through strategic partnership or acquisition. You’ll also get my Creative Acquisition Masterplan, that will enable you to punch above your weight class, and expand your empire without denting your cash flow.

Let’s take a look at the:

Executing on Your AMPLIFY Blueprint is designed to double your revenue and triple your profit within a year. Let’s break that down in real numbers:

Let's assume Your AMPLIFY Blueprint is an investment of $50K.

Take a moment to do the math on that:

If you’re at $500K in annual revenue, an investment of $50K would give you a 900% ROI

If you’re at $1.25million in annual revenue, an investment of $50K would give 2,400% ROI.

Such staggering returns would certainly justify a $50K investment.

Here's why the price tag is not $50K

Your AMPLIFY Blueprint is a detailed master plan — it’s NOT the hands-on execution.

It lays out the precise path, but actually taking those steps?

Implementing the plans and reaping the rewards?

That’s on you.

You’re the executor, the mover and the shaker.

We bring the plan; you bring the action.

It’s only fair then, that the price tag reflects this partnership.

This is why Your AMPLIFY Blueprint is…


Countdown to 2024 intake

Your AMPLIFY Blueprint is not a mass-market offering. It’s a bespoke strategy crafted with meticulous attention. We dedicate ourselves to ensuring each client receives our undivided focus and tailored expertise.


Access to Your AMPLIFY Blueprint opens on 15TH JANUARY, 2024

Limited Early Mover Advantage:

If you like to lead the pack and set the pace, we have an opportunity that aligns with your front-footedness.

We’re filling our first quarter of 2024 well in advance, and offering a $2,000 concession to action-taking visionaries who secure their spot with a deposit before 30th December.

That’s right, book your 2024 space before the end of the year, and only pay $18,000.


Ready to claim your early mover advantage?

Click below to schedule a free discovery call,
and explore how Your AMPLIFY Blueprint
can supercharge your success.

Here's some other stuff you might want to know

(Click the little arrows on the left to expand the sections)

Hey there, I’m Simon Kozlowski.

When people ask me what I do for a living, I almost always want to tell them that I’m a “multi-modal maverick and metaphorical meteorite for business”.

I mean… that sounds so much more fun than “I advise and invest in old school businesses that want to become the best in their world”, doesn’t it??

The first decade of my career looked like a Jackson Pollock painting: splashes of logistics and tourism, swishes of medical diagnostics and food packaging, and a swirl of selling everything from industrial chemicals to stock trading software.

Then I stumbled into business growth consulting, and everything just… clicked!

Since 2007, I’ve thrown myself into almost ALL of the ways to optimize and grow a business.

As an executive at a global advertising agency, I’ve produced TV ads for big brands.

As an innovation consultant, I’ve helped service business owners reinvent their business and revenue models; and created digital transformation programs for government agencies.

I’ve also been a sales trainer and executive leadership coach; run a digital marketing agency; been a direct response copywriter; built and sold an events and promotions business; and
helped owners acquire profitable businesses without spending a cent of their own money.

Partners and clients often “Marvel” at my Dr. Strange-like ability to see a multitude of different futures for their businesses at the same time — and to reverse-engineer these visions into practical and easily-actionable roadmaps.

But it’s not magic.

It’s the result of a consulting career spent viewing business through many different lenses.

There are lots of specialists with decades of experience being narrowly focused on one or two dimensions of business optimization and growth — ranging from PR to social media advertising; from pricing strategies to cost cutting; from new product development to mergers and acquisitions; and from systems and process optimization to talent management.

But when your only tool is a hammer, it’s tempting to view every problem as a nail.

That’s like a sports team that only ever focuses on one player’s skills.

My kaleidoscope of a consulting journey has given me a much broader view of how different specialties and strategies can combine forces to create something magnificent — and it’s from this experience that The AMPLIFY Method was born.

The AMPLIFY Method isn’t just about playing the game; it’s about understanding the full field, seeing all the angles to make smarter moves.

It’s the ultimate multidimensional playbook for businesses that want to dominate their field.

Having sophisticated strategies and tactics isn’t enough.

A lot of companies have fancy models and methods, but still fail to become category kings.

Why? Because they usually lack two essential ingredients :

  • a galvanizing purpose; and
  • an inspiring vision.

Picture the classic clash between Blockbuster and Netflix.

Blockbuster had all the strategies and tactics down, with a massive store network and extensive inventory. But they missed something crucial – a forward-looking vision and the ability to adapt to a changing world of media consumption.

Netflix, on the other hand, not only had great strategies, but also a clear vision of the future of entertainment. This vision galvanized their purpose and propelled them to become the king of the home entertainment category.

But on the flip side, a grand vision and inspiring purpose without the right strategies and tactics can lead to missed opportunities and unfulfilled potential.

Consider Segway’s story.

Dean Kamen had a vision to revolutionize global transportation.

With heavyweights like Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos backing him, success seemed inevitable. But Segway ultimately failed because short term execution was out of alignment with its grand vision.

Understanding the different scopes and timelines is crucial:

Vision imagines your business in generations and constellations.

Purpose steers your business through seasons and landscapes.

Strategies guide your business in months and miles.

Tactics are executed in the minutes and meters.

Most business owners struggle to straddle two of these perspectives.

Being able to hold all four perspectives at the same time, is a rare genius that comes along once in a few centuries — think: Leonardo da Vinci.

Even with my own so-called “Dr. Strange-like ability” to see a vast variety of futures for a business at one time, I too find it most challenging to maintain this 4D perspective.

As an investor and advisor, I needed to offset that limitation.

The solution? A blend of people, proprietary software and process flows.

A harmonious blend of diverse expertise and innovative tools.

Here’s how it plays out in real life:

  • An analytical researcher who digs deep into the data,
  • A project planner with an eye for the nitty-gritty details,
  • The strategic prowess of The AMPLIFY Method,
  • Cutting-edge revenue & profit impact software,
  • And then, there’s me

(multidimensional ideator and business model alchemist, who plays coach, coordinator and orchestra conductor).

The result?

Your AMPLIFY Blueprint ensures that precise tactics are optimally plugged into the right strategies that perfectly align with a higher purpose and contribute to the fulfilment of a grand vision.

I’m not in the business of selling consulting services.

Think of Your AMPLIFY Blueprint as a ‘trial run’ for partnership.

As we build out Your AMPLIFY Blueprint together, it’s a chance for both sides to evaluate the potential of an equity partnership — like going on a few dates to determine if our vision, values and general vibes are aligned, before we decide to get married.

In this way, if you want my help implementing the strategies and plans, you can be sure that my team and I have skin in the game, and bring the commitment of vested partners.

But let’s be clear:
On its own, Your AMPLIFY Blueprint delivers immense value.

You don’t need to enter a partnership to get a massive return on your investment.

The process of crystallizing your vision and purpose will re-energize your business, and if you only implemented half the strategies and tactics detailed in Your AMPLIFY Blueprint, it will propel your business forward in leaps and bounds.

Your AMPLIFY Blueprint is not for the faint-hearted

Working with me means embracing a path that will challenge you to think bigger – beyond just profit and growth. It’s about expanding your contribution to the world and redefining the legacy you want to leave.

This journey is as exhilarating as it is uncomfortable.

It will push you to reimagine every dimension of your business, and question long-standing beliefs. It’s a process that demands more than just a willingness to change; it requires a radical rethinking of your role as a leader and the impact of your work.

This path is not for you, if you’re content with the status quo.

If you’re not ready to let go of ‘business as usual’, then you’re likely to find Your AMPLIFY Blueprint to be more frustrating than fulfilling.

Growth and comfort rarely coexist, and this process involves stepping into unfamiliar spaces of innovation and frontier exploration. If you’re looking for comfortable predictability, you will not find it here.

The rewards, however, are immense.

Your AMPLIFY Blueprint will set you on a trajectory that far exceeds the investment, offering not just monetary gains, but also profound personal growth, and a shift in your perspective as a leader in the business world.

If you’re ready to be more, do more, and achieve more than ever before, to lead in innovation, impact, and inspiration, then this journey is for you.

If you’re ready to become the best in your category, this is for you.